Source code for jax_cosmo.background

# This module implements various functions for the background COSMOLOGY
import jax.numpy as np
from jax import lax

import jax_cosmo.constants as const
from jax_cosmo.scipy.interpolate import interp
from jax_cosmo.scipy.ode import odeint

__all__ = [

[docs]def w(cosmo, a): r"""Dark Energy equation of state parameter using the Linder parametrisation. Parameters ---------- cosmo: Cosmology Cosmological parameters structure a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- w : ndarray, or float if input scalar The Dark Energy equation of state parameter at the specified scale factor Notes ----- The Linder parametrization :cite:`2003:Linder` for the Dark Energy equation of state :math:`p = w \rho` is given by: .. math:: w(a) = w_0 + w_a (1 - a) """ return cosmo.w0 + (1.0 - a) * cosmo.wa # Equation (6) in Linder (2003)
[docs]def f_de(cosmo, a): r"""Evolution parameter for the Dark Energy density. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f : ndarray, or float if input scalar The evolution parameter of the Dark Energy density as a function of scale factor Notes ----- For a given parametrisation of the Dark Energy equation of state, the scaling of the Dark Energy density with time can be written as: .. math:: \rho_{de}(a) = \rho_{de}(a=1) e^{f(a)} (see :cite:`2005:Percival` and note the difference in the exponent base in the parametrizations) where :math:`f(a)` is computed as :math:`f(a) = -3 \int_0^{\ln(a)} [1 + w(a')] d \ln(a')`. In the case of Linder's parametrisation for the dark energy in Eq. :eq:`linderParam` :math:`f(a)` becomes: .. math:: f(a) = -3 (1 + w_0 + w_a) \ln(a) + 3 w_a (a - 1) """ return -3.0 * (1.0 + cosmo.w0 + cosmo.wa) * np.log(a) + 3.0 * cosmo.wa * (a - 1.0)
[docs]def Esqr(cosmo, a): r"""Square of the scale factor dependent factor E(a) in the Hubble parameter. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- E^2 : ndarray, or float if input scalar Square of the scaling of the Hubble constant as a function of scale factor Notes ----- The Hubble parameter at scale factor `a` is given by :math:`H^2(a) = E^2(a) H_o^2` where :math:`E^2` is obtained through Friedman's Equation (see :cite:`2005:Percival`) : .. math:: E^2(a) = \Omega_m a^{-3} + \Omega_k a^{-2} + \Omega_{de} e^{f(a)} where :math:`f(a)` is the Dark Energy evolution parameter computed by :py:meth:`.f_de`. """ return ( cosmo.Omega_m * np.power(a, -3) + cosmo.Omega_k * np.power(a, -2) + cosmo.Omega_de * np.exp(f_de(cosmo, a)) )
[docs]def H(cosmo, a): r"""Hubble parameter [km/s/(Mpc/h)] at scale factor `a` Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- H : ndarray, or float if input scalar Hubble parameter at the requested scale factor. """ return const.H0 * np.sqrt(Esqr(cosmo, a))
[docs]def Omega_m_a(cosmo, a): r"""Matter density at scale factor `a`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- Omega_m : ndarray, or float if input scalar Non-relativistic matter density at the requested scale factor Notes ----- The evolution of matter density :math:`\Omega_m(a)` is given by: .. math:: \Omega_m(a) = \frac{\Omega_m a^{-3}}{E^2(a)} see :cite:`2005:Percival` Eq. (6) """ return cosmo.Omega_m * np.power(a, -3) / Esqr(cosmo, a)
[docs]def Omega_de_a(cosmo, a): r"""Dark Energy density at scale factor `a`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- Omega_de : ndarray, or float if input scalar Dark Energy density at the requested scale factor Notes ----- The evolution of Dark Energy density :math:`\Omega_{de}(a)` is given by: .. math:: \Omega_{de}(a) = \frac{\Omega_{de} e^{f(a)}}{E^2(a)} where :math:`f(a)` is the Dark Energy evolution parameter computed by :py:meth:`.f_de` (see :cite:`2005:Percival` Eq. (6)). """ return cosmo.Omega_de * np.exp(f_de(cosmo, a)) / Esqr(cosmo, a)
[docs]def radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, a, log10_amin=-3, steps=256): r"""Radial comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- chi : ndarray, or float if input scalar Radial comoving distance corresponding to the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The radial comoving distance is computed by performing the following integration: .. math:: \chi(a) = R_H \int_a^1 \frac{da^\prime}{{a^\prime}^2 E(a^\prime)} """ # Check if distances have already been computed if not "background.radial_comoving_distance" in cosmo._workspace.keys(): # Compute tabulated array atab = np.logspace(log10_amin, 0.0, steps) def dchioverdlna(y, x): xa = np.exp(x) return dchioverda(cosmo, xa) * xa chitab = odeint(dchioverdlna, 0.0, np.log(atab)) # np.clip(- 3000*np.log(atab), 0, 10000)#odeint(dchioverdlna, 0., np.log(atab), cosmo) chitab = chitab[-1] - chitab cache = {"a": atab, "chi": chitab} cosmo._workspace["background.radial_comoving_distance"] = cache else: cache = cosmo._workspace["background.radial_comoving_distance"] a = np.atleast_1d(a) # Return the results as an interpolation of the table return np.clip(interp(a, cache["a"], cache["chi"]), 0.0)
def a_of_chi(cosmo, chi): r"""Computes the scale factor for corresponding (array) of radial comoving distance by reverse linear interpolation. Parameters: ----------- cosmo: Cosmology Cosmological parameters chi: array-like radial comoving distance to query. Returns: -------- a : array-like Scale factors corresponding to requested distances """ # Check if distances have already been computed, force computation otherwise if not "background.radial_comoving_distance" in cosmo._workspace.keys(): radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, 1.0) cache = cosmo._workspace["background.radial_comoving_distance"] chi = np.atleast_1d(chi) return interp(chi, cache["chi"], cache["a"])
[docs]def dchioverda(cosmo, a): r"""Derivative of the radial comoving distance with respect to the scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- dchi/da : ndarray, or float if input scalar Derivative of the radial comoving distance with respect to the scale factor at the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The expression for :math:`\frac{d \chi}{da}` is: .. math:: \frac{d \chi}{da}(a) = \frac{R_H}{a^2 E(a)} """ return const.rh / (a**2 * np.sqrt(Esqr(cosmo, a)))
[docs]def transverse_comoving_distance(cosmo, a): r"""Transverse comoving distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f_k : ndarray, or float if input scalar Transverse comoving distance corresponding to the specified scale factor. Notes ----- The transverse comoving distance depends on the curvature of the universe and is related to the radial comoving distance through: .. math:: f_k(a) = \left\lbrace \begin{matrix} R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}}\sinh(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)& \mbox{for }\Omega_k > 0 \\ \chi(a)& \mbox{for } \Omega_k = 0 \\ R_H \frac{1}{\sqrt{\Omega_k}} \sin(\sqrt{|\Omega_k|}\chi(a)R_H)& \mbox{for } \Omega_k < 0 \end{matrix} \right. """ index = cosmo.k + 1 def open_universe(chi): return const.rh / cosmo.sqrtk * np.sinh(cosmo.sqrtk * chi / const.rh) def flat_universe(chi): return chi def close_universe(chi): return const.rh / cosmo.sqrtk * np.sin(cosmo.sqrtk * chi / const.rh) branches = (open_universe, flat_universe, close_universe) chi = radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, a) return lax.switch(cosmo.k + 1, branches, chi)
[docs]def angular_diameter_distance(cosmo, a): r"""Angular diameter distance in [Mpc/h] for a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- d_A : ndarray, or float if input scalar Notes ----- Angular diameter distance is expressed in terms of the transverse comoving distance as: .. math:: d_A(a) = a f_k(a) """ return a * transverse_comoving_distance(cosmo, a)
[docs]def growth_factor(cosmo, a): """Compute linear growth factor D(a) at a given scale factor, normalized such that D(a=1) = 1. Parameters ---------- cosmo: `Cosmology` Cosmology object a: array_like Scale factor Returns ------- D: ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth factor computed at requested scale factor Notes ----- The growth computation will depend on the cosmology parametrization, for instance if the $\gamma$ parameter is defined, the growth will be computed assuming the $f = \Omega^\gamma$ growth rate, otherwise the usual ODE for growth will be solved. """ if cosmo._flags["gamma_growth"]: return _growth_factor_gamma(cosmo, a) else: return _growth_factor_ODE(cosmo, a)
[docs]def growth_rate(cosmo, a): """Compute growth rate dD/dlna at a given scale factor. Parameters ---------- cosmo: `Cosmology` Cosmology object a: array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f: ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth rate computed at requested scale factor Notes ----- The growth computation will depend on the cosmology parametrization, for instance if the $\gamma$ parameter is defined, the growth will be computed assuming the $f = \Omega^\gamma$ growth rate, otherwise the usual ODE for growth will be solved. The LCDM approximation to the growth rate :math:`f_{\gamma}(a)` is given by: .. math:: f_{\gamma}(a) = \Omega_m^{\gamma} (a) with :math: `\gamma` in LCDM, given approximately by: .. math:: \gamma = 0.55 see :cite:`2019:Euclid Preparation VII, eqn.32` """ if cosmo._flags["gamma_growth"]: return _growth_rate_gamma(cosmo, a) else: return _growth_rate_ODE(cosmo, a)
def _growth_factor_ODE(cosmo, a, log10_amin=-3, steps=128, eps=1e-4): """Compute linear growth factor D(a) at a given scale factor, normalised such that D(a=1) = 1. Parameters ---------- a: array_like Scale factor amin: float Mininum scale factor, default 1e-3 Returns ------- D: ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth factor computed at requested scale factor """ # Check if growth has already been computed if not "background.growth_factor" in cosmo._workspace.keys(): # Compute tabulated array atab = np.logspace(log10_amin, 0.0, steps) def D_derivs(y, x): q = ( 2.0 - 0.5 * ( Omega_m_a(cosmo, x) + (1.0 + 3.0 * w(cosmo, x)) * Omega_de_a(cosmo, x) ) ) / x r = 1.5 * Omega_m_a(cosmo, x) / x / x return np.array([y[1], -q * y[1] + r * y[0]]) y0 = np.array([atab[0], 1.0]) y = odeint(D_derivs, y0, atab) y1 = y[:, 0] gtab = y1 / y1[-1] # To transform from dD/da to dlnD/dlna: dlnD/dlna = a / D dD/da ftab = y[:, 1] / y1[-1] * atab / gtab cache = {"a": atab, "g": gtab, "f": ftab} cosmo._workspace["background.growth_factor"] = cache else: cache = cosmo._workspace["background.growth_factor"] return np.clip(interp(a, cache["a"], cache["g"]), 0.0, 1.0) def _growth_rate_ODE(cosmo, a): """Compute growth rate dD/dlna at a given scale factor by solving the linear growth ODE. Parameters ---------- cosmo: `Cosmology` Cosmology object a: array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f: ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth rate computed at requested scale factor """ # Check if growth has already been computed, if not, compute it if not "background.growth_factor" in cosmo._workspace.keys(): _growth_factor_ODE(cosmo, np.atleast_1d(1.0)) cache = cosmo._workspace["background.growth_factor"] return interp(a, cache["a"], cache["f"]) def _growth_factor_gamma(cosmo, a, log10_amin=-3, steps=128): r"""Computes growth factor by integrating the growth rate provided by the \gamma parametrization. Normalized such that D( a=1) =1 Parameters ---------- a: array_like Scale factor amin: float Mininum scale factor, default 1e-3 Returns ------- D: ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth factor computed at requested scale factor """ # Check if growth has already been computed, if not, compute it if not "background.growth_factor" in cosmo._workspace.keys(): # Compute tabulated array atab = np.logspace(log10_amin, 0.0, steps) def integrand(y, loga): xa = np.exp(loga) return _growth_rate_gamma(cosmo, xa) gtab = np.exp(odeint(integrand, np.log(atab[0]), np.log(atab))) gtab = gtab / gtab[-1] # Normalize to a=1. cache = {"a": atab, "g": gtab} cosmo._workspace["background.growth_factor"] = cache else: cache = cosmo._workspace["background.growth_factor"] return np.clip(interp(a, cache["a"], cache["g"]), 0.0, 1.0) def _growth_rate_gamma(cosmo, a): r"""Growth rate approximation at scale factor `a`. Parameters ---------- cosmo: `Cosmology` Cosmology object a : array_like Scale factor Returns ------- f_gamma : ndarray, or float if input scalar Growth rate approximation at the requested scale factor Notes ----- The LCDM approximation to the growth rate :math:`f_{\gamma}(a)` is given by: .. math:: f_{\gamma}(a) = \Omega_m^{\gamma} (a) with :math: `\gamma` in LCDM, given approximately by: .. math:: \gamma = 0.55 see :cite:`2019:Euclid Preparation VII, eqn.32` """ return Omega_m_a(cosmo, a) ** cosmo.gamma