Source code for jax_cosmo.probes

# This module defines kernel functions for various tracers
import jax.numpy as np
from jax import jit
from jax import vmap
from jax.tree_util import register_pytree_node_class

import jax_cosmo.background as bkgrd
import jax_cosmo.constants as const
import jax_cosmo.redshift as rds
from jax_cosmo.jax_utils import container
from jax_cosmo.scipy.integrate import simps
from jax_cosmo.utils import a2z
from jax_cosmo.utils import z2a

__all__ = ["WeakLensing", "NumberCounts"]

def weak_lensing_kernel(cosmo, pzs, z, ell):
    Returns a weak lensing kernel

    Note: this function handles differently nzs that correspond to extended redshift
    distribution, and delta functions.
    z = np.atleast_1d(z)
    zmax = max([pz.zmax for pz in pzs])
    # Retrieve comoving distance corresponding to z
    chi = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z))

    # Extract the indices of pzs that can be treated as extended distributions,
    # and the ones that need to be treated as delta functions.
    pzs_extended_idx = [
        i for i, pz in enumerate(pzs) if not isinstance(pz, rds.delta_nz)
    pzs_delta_idx = [i for i, pz in enumerate(pzs) if isinstance(pz, rds.delta_nz)]
    # Here we define a permutation that would put all extended pzs at the begining of the list
    perm = pzs_extended_idx + pzs_delta_idx
    # Compute inverse permutation
    inv = np.argsort(np.array(perm, dtype=np.int32))

    # Process extended distributions, if any
    radial_kernels = []
    if len(pzs_extended_idx) > 0:

        def integrand(z_prime):
            chi_prime = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z_prime))
            # Stack the dndz of all redshift bins
            dndz = np.stack([pzs[i](z_prime) for i in pzs_extended_idx], axis=0)
            return dndz * np.clip(chi_prime - chi, 0) / np.clip(chi_prime, 1.0)

        radial_kernels.append(simps(integrand, z, zmax, 256) * (1.0 + z) * chi)
    # Process single plane redshifts if any
    if len(pzs_delta_idx) > 0:

        def integrand_single(z_prime):
            chi_prime = bkgrd.radial_comoving_distance(cosmo, z2a(z_prime))
            return np.clip(chi_prime - chi, 0) / np.clip(chi_prime, 1.0)

            integrand_single(np.array([pzs[i].params[0] for i in pzs_delta_idx]))
            * (1.0 + z)
            * chi
    # Fusing the results together
    radial_kernel = np.concatenate(radial_kernels, axis=0)
    # And perfoming inverse permutation to put all the indices where they should be
    radial_kernel = radial_kernel[inv]

    # Constant term
    constant_factor = 3.0 * const.H0**2 * cosmo.Omega_m / 2.0 / const.c
    # Ell dependent factor
    ell_factor = np.sqrt((ell - 1) * (ell) * (ell + 1) * (ell + 2)) / (ell + 0.5) ** 2
    return constant_factor * ell_factor * radial_kernel

def density_kernel(cosmo, pzs, bias, z, ell):
    Computes the number counts density kernel
    if any(isinstance(pz, rds.delta_nz) for pz in pzs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Density kernel not properly implemented for delta redshift distributions"
    # stack the dndz of all redshift bins
    dndz = np.stack([pz(z) for pz in pzs], axis=0)
    # Compute radial NLA kernel: same as clustering
    if isinstance(bias, list):
        # This is to handle the case where we get a bin-dependent bias
        b = np.stack([b(cosmo, z) for b in bias], axis=0)
        b = bias(cosmo, z)
    radial_kernel = dndz * b * bkgrd.H(cosmo, z2a(z))
    # Normalization,
    constant_factor = 1.0
    # Ell dependent factor
    ell_factor = 1.0
    return constant_factor * ell_factor * radial_kernel

def nla_kernel(cosmo, pzs, bias, z, ell):
    Computes the NLA IA kernel
    if any(isinstance(pz, rds.delta_nz) for pz in pzs):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "NLA kernel not properly implemented for delta redshift distributions"
    # stack the dndz of all redshift bins
    dndz = np.stack([pz(z) for pz in pzs], axis=0)
    # Compute radial NLA kernel: same as clustering
    if isinstance(bias, list):
        # This is to handle the case where we get a bin-dependent bias
        b = np.stack([b(cosmo, z) for b in bias], axis=0)
        b = bias(cosmo, z)
    radial_kernel = dndz * b * bkgrd.H(cosmo, z2a(z))
    # Apply common A_IA normalization to the kernel
    # Joachimi et al. (2011), arXiv: 1008.3491, Eq. 6.
    radial_kernel *= (
        -(5e-14 * const.rhocrit) * cosmo.Omega_m / bkgrd.growth_factor(cosmo, z2a(z))
    # Constant factor
    constant_factor = 1.0
    # Ell dependent factor
    ell_factor = np.sqrt((ell - 1) * (ell) * (ell + 1) * (ell + 2)) / (ell + 0.5) ** 2
    return constant_factor * ell_factor * radial_kernel

[docs]@register_pytree_node_class class WeakLensing(container): """ Class representing a weak lensing probe, with a bunch of bins Parameters: ----------- redshift_bins: list of nzredshift distributions ia_bias: (optional) if provided, IA will be added with the NLA model, either a single bias object or a list of same size as nzs multiplicative_bias: (optional) adds an (1+m) multiplicative bias, either single value or list of same length as redshift bins Configuration: -------------- sigma_e: intrinsic galaxy ellipticity """ def __init__( self, redshift_bins, ia_bias=None, multiplicative_bias=0.0, sigma_e=0.26, **kwargs ): # Depending on the Configuration we will trace or not the ia_bias in the # container if ia_bias is None: ia_enabled = False args = (redshift_bins, multiplicative_bias) else: ia_enabled = True args = (redshift_bins, multiplicative_bias, ia_bias) if "ia_enabled" not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs["ia_enabled"] = ia_enabled super(WeakLensing, self).__init__(*args, sigma_e=sigma_e, **kwargs) @property def n_tracers(self): """ Returns the number of tracers for this probe, i.e. redshift bins """ # Extract parameters pzs = self.params[0] return len(pzs) @property def zmax(self): """ Returns the maximum redsfhit probed by this probe """ # Extract parameters pzs = self.params[0] return max([pz.zmax for pz in pzs])
[docs] def kernel(self, cosmo, z, ell): """ Compute the radial kernel for all nz bins in this probe. Returns: -------- radial_kernel: shape (nbins, nz) """ z = np.atleast_1d(z) # Extract parameters pzs, m = self.params[:2] kernel = weak_lensing_kernel(cosmo, pzs, z, ell) # If IA is enabled, we add the IA kernel if self.config["ia_enabled"]: bias = self.params[2] kernel += nla_kernel(cosmo, pzs, bias, z, ell) # Applies measurement systematics if isinstance(m, list): m = np.expand_dims(np.stack([mi for mi in m], axis=0), 1) kernel *= 1.0 + m return kernel
[docs] def noise(self): """ Returns the noise power for all redshifts return: shape [nbins] """ # Extract parameters pzs = self.params[0] # retrieve number of galaxies in each bins ngals = np.array([pz.gals_per_steradian for pz in pzs]) if isinstance(self.config["sigma_e"], list): sigma_e = np.array([s for s in self.config["sigma_e"]]) else: sigma_e = self.config["sigma_e"] return sigma_e**2 / ngals
[docs]@register_pytree_node_class class NumberCounts(container): """Class representing a galaxy clustering probe, with a bunch of bins Parameters: ----------- redshift_bins: nzredshift distributions Configuration: -------------- has_rsd.... """ def __init__(self, redshift_bins, bias, has_rsd=False, **kwargs): super(NumberCounts, self).__init__( redshift_bins, bias, has_rsd=has_rsd, **kwargs ) @property def zmax(self): """ Returns the maximum redsfhit probed by this probe """ # Extract parameters pzs = self.params[0] return max([pz.zmax for pz in pzs]) @property def n_tracers(self): """Returns the number of tracers for this probe, i.e. redshift bins""" # Extract parameters pzs = self.params[0] return len(pzs)
[docs] def kernel(self, cosmo, z, ell): """Compute the radial kernel for all nz bins in this probe. Returns: -------- radial_kernel: shape (nbins, nz) """ z = np.atleast_1d(z) # Extract parameters pzs, bias = self.params # Retrieve density kernel kernel = density_kernel(cosmo, pzs, bias, z, ell) return kernel
[docs] def noise(self): """Returns the noise power for all redshifts return: shape [nbins] """ # Extract parameters pzs = self.params[0] ngals = np.array([pz.gals_per_steradian for pz in pzs]) return 1.0 / ngals