jax_cosmo.redshift module

class jax_cosmo.redshift.smail_nz(*args, gals_per_arcmin2=1.0, zmax=10.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jax_cosmo.redshift.redshift_distribution

Defines a smail distribution with these arguments Parameters: ———– a:



gals_per_arcmin2: number of galaxies per sq arcmin


Un-normalized n(z) function provided by sub classes

class jax_cosmo.redshift.kde_nz(*args, gals_per_arcmin2=1.0, zmax=10.0, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jax_cosmo.redshift.redshift_distribution

A redshift distribution based on a KDE estimate of the nz of a given catalog currently uses a Gaussian kernel. TODO: add more if necessary

zcat: redshift catalog weights: weight for each galaxy between 0 and 1

bw: Bandwidth for the KDE

Example: nz = kde_nz(redshift_catalog, w, bw=0.1)


Un-normalized n(z) function provided by sub classes

class jax_cosmo.redshift.delta_nz(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jax_cosmo.redshift.redshift_distribution

Defines a single plane redshift distribution with these arguments Parameters: ———– z0:


Un-normalized n(z) function provided by sub classes